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We support local production and innovation

We have worked extensively with small farmers and producers across Indonesia’s diverse archipelago, including those in cocoa, coffee, coconut, vegetable, salt, rice, seafood, seaweed, nutmeg, clove and pepper production, to name just a few. Through Bali Direct we are able to apply this experience directly to support entrepreneur driven growth that brings benefits to local communities, makes farming a more viable and interesting option for Indonesian farmers and provides a market for small-scale artisanal production.

We support local production and innovation

Wayan Green House

Kelompok (Group) Bukit Mersari managed by Wayan ? was initially supported as part of a corporate social responsibility project by Club Mediterranean and received technical support in organic production from a local foundation IDEP. Kelompok Bukit Mersari has been a closer partner of Bali Direct for several years and we have recently started to invest in their production by building green houses. Green houses enable the farmers in the Kelompok to better manage risk by controlling the production environment.

Green Enterprises International and Aluan

Green Enterprises International is an impact investment company that intends to provide an alternative livelihood option to palm oil production and migration on the Island of Simuelele by supporting virgin coconut oil production under the Aluan label. Their intention is to invest in new stock, a closed circle production system and organic certification of the virgin coconut oil. We were inspired by this initiative and raised USD 30,000 to support their initiative.

Seraya weavers village

Seraya in East Karangasem has a long tradition of weaving rang rang cloth with cotton and plant dyes sourced directly from their garden. We visited the village during the pandemic to find that their production had completely stopped as they had lost their market and that further due to the poverty of the area and the lack of rice fields the community was suffering economically. We decided to support them to find a market for their beautiful fabrics and to launch our sister site to support other artists and artisans internationally.

Bumi Sehat

Bumi Sehat is a foundation that supports mother and child healthcare through a birth clinic based in Ubud as well as through education and support in disaster response. Bumi Sehat is a true community center providing an important service to many vulnerable Balinese women and children. We started to support Bumi Sehat in 2018, after the explosion of Mount Agung caused much economic hardship to local communities, and have continued our support since then. Bumi Sehat is supporting over 200 families with basic food needs during the pandemic. Our model is simple, you can purchase food for Bumi Sehat wherever you are in the world on our website and we will match your contribution and deliver it to Bumi Sehat.