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450-500 g

Bodhi's Farm

Chicken Wings Probiotic

Rp 46.000

Size : 450-500 g

Chicken Wings Probiotic is freshly frozen and sourced locally from Bodhi’s Farm. Probiotic chickens from Bodhi’s Farm are farmed naturally and organically using probiotics and herbs without using chemicals such as antibiotics or animal growth hormone drugs for fattening. The area around the cage is planted…

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in stock
  • Chicken Wings Probiotic is freshly frozen and sourced locally from Bodhi’s Farm.

    Probiotic chickens from Bodhi’s Farm are farmed naturally and organically using probiotics and herbs without using chemicals such as antibiotics or animal growth hormone drugs for fattening. The area around the cage is planted with supporting plants such as corn, grass, kale, various kinds of lettuce, mustard greens, mint, and beans that we treat so that they can be used as chicken organic feed. The cages are designed so that the chickens are free to move. With this, poultry will become stress-free so they can produce the maximum quality of meat.

  • Delivery 6 days a week Monday to Saturday

    Orders received before 8AM will be delivered the same day before 5PM with for the following minor exceptions:

    – Orders for Starter Lab before 8PM to be delivered the following day before 5PM; and

    – Orders for Jiva Creations before midnight to be delivered the following day before 5PM.

    Orders received on Saturday after 8AMand on Sunday will be delivered on the following Monday before 5PM.

    Click here for more detail about Delivery policy

  • SKU: UD029813Categories: Chicken, Indonesian, Meat & SeafoodWeight : {bu_product_weight}
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