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250 g


Tofu Hard Fresh GMO-Free

Rp 14.000

Size : 250 g

Fresh GMO-Free Hard Tofu is 100% natural protein-rich deliciousness. No genetically modified soybeans, no preservatives, and no artificial colorings or flavorings.

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  • Fresh GMO-Free Hard Tofu is 100% natural protein-rich deliciousness. No genetically modified soybeans, no preservatives, and no artificial colorings or flavorings.

  • Delivery 6 days a week Monday to Saturday

    Orders received before 8AM will be delivered the same day before 5PM with for the following minor exceptions:

    – Orders for Starter Lab before 8PM to be delivered the following day before 5PM; and

    – Orders for Jiva Creations before midnight to be delivered the following day before 5PM.

    Orders received on Saturday after 8AMand on Sunday will be delivered on the following Monday before 5PM.

    Click here for more detail about Delivery policy

  • SKU: UD028627Categories: Food, Indonesian, Pantry, Tofu & TempeWeight : {bu_product_weight} Brand:
    1. odioidentisti

      Definitely tastier than the soft one. Doesn’t last that long in the fridge. A lil’ costy tho

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