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Creating Shared Local Value

Bali Direct Store

Was founded in 2017 by Dr. Dan Vadnjal & Dr. Pari Baumann – Cambridge graduates with over 30 years of professional experience in rural development. Informed by Dan and Pari’s experience, Bali Direct’s objective is to find ways in which markets can work for smaller and less resourced producers. Currently, we profitably and sustainably link over 250 farmers and artisans to premium markets, making it the largest wholefoods store on the Island.

Our Mission

To share the values of locally-sourced high-quality wholefoods with economies of creative producers.

With an online store as well as three physical stores in the South of  Bali, Bali Direct pursues positive environmental, social and governance impact. We are currently compiling our first Sustainability Report which will quantify our performance and set measurable targets. The Report is guided by the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) indicators, which inform our business culture, linking our mission to global sustainability standards.



Bali Direct is more than just a store; it’s a community of producers and consumers committed to making choices that benefit our environment and our local economy.

Our first Sustainability Report will tell you more, but in the meantime this is what we already know about our performance.


per month



Respect for the Environment

is fundamental to our operations through a pursuit of minimal impact and practices that support regenerative agriculture and biodiversity.


of our



are sourced from Indonesia


of our products

come from


with an average distance of 15kms from farm to table.

Reduction of Organic Waste

through active organic diversion programs, composting, and anaerobic digestion (online is 0%) + (stores: 1% but composted no waste)

Organic Packaging

For all fresh produce, a recycling program for paper

Return Me! Campaign

for glass which diverts business and customer waste from landfills


We are driven by a commitment to positive social impact, community well-being and shared local value.

Shared Local Value?

For the consumer :
High quality local goods

For the producer:
Access to high-end markets usually served by imports and supermarkets

Knowledge Exchange

Going local means that international culinary traditions such as cheese-making, meat curing and pickling are transferred and learned by local artisans, adapted to local resources and infused with local knowledge.

Direct Support

We invest in innovative businesses such as Aluan closed circle virgin coconut oil production. We support farmers with green houses, transport and credit to help them overcome economic and environmental stressors

Corporate Donation

We make an annual corporate donation. The 2023 donation has been given to an Indonesian medical charity MER-C providing relief in Palestine. The 2024 donation has been given to the Palestinian Children’s Refugee fund. 

Social Responsibility

We believe that giving back is most sustainable when it is integrated into a business model. Our exception is Bumi Sehat, a foundation that supports mother and child healthcare. See more at

We actively support small, local and emerging producers with product development and market outreach.

Our core values are reflected
in progressive salary
structures, compliance with
labour laws, inclusion and
diversity and a supplier code
of conduct to protect human

Through responsible sourcing
and a commitment to
transparency we ensure our
customers know where their
products come from and how
they are grown.


We align our operations to progressive business practices in compliance with local and international standards.
Our supplier code of conduct outlines requirements and expectations that help ensure products are produced in ways that meet local and international standards.
We engage with suppliers that follow principles of continuous improvement and lead the dialogue on potential solutions for less resourced suppliers. 
Our commitment to high standards are reflected in our compliance with international standards such as the UN Human Development Compact and the Food Loss and Waste Protocol (FLW).

Come back in three
months to read our first

