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330 ml


Fresh Body Recover Oil

Rp 350.000

Size : 330 ml

Benefits: Refreshing! Helps relieve stress, muscle or joint pain, soothe & calm irritation, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Treats signs of skin aging as a natural antioxidant. Ingredients: Peppermint, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Sunflower Oil Usage: Apply on wet light skin until upsorb and dry it of with…

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  • Benefits: Refreshing! Helps relieve stress, muscle or joint pain, soothe & calm irritation, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. Treats signs of skin aging as a natural antioxidant.

    Ingredients: Peppermint, Lemongrass, Rosemary, Sunflower Oil

    Usage: Apply on wet light skin until upsorb and dry it of with a towel.

    All Motion Spa products are made from 100% natural ingredients and nothing else. Every product has been tested with humans only, and they are still our friends and very happy about the results!

  • Delivery 6 days a week Monday to Saturday

    Orders received before 8AM will be delivered the same day before 5PM with for the following minor exceptions:

    – Orders for Starter Lab before 8PM to be delivered the following day before 5PM; and

    – Orders for Jiva Creations before midnight to be delivered the following day before 5PM.

    Orders received on Saturday after 8AMand on Sunday will be delivered on the following Monday before 5PM.

    Click here for more detail about Delivery policy

  • SKU: UD031909Categories: Body, Body care, Indonesian, Massage OilsWeight : {bu_product_weight}
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