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Ready For Some Homemade Pesto?

Editorial Team | April 29, 2018 | 0 comment |

ready for some homemade pesto?

Ready For Some Homemade Pesto?

Rainy season is just about finished here in Bali, and we’re getting geared up for the heat with some of our favorite summer recipes using fresh produce straight from our organic farm, Bukit Mesari. We hope you enjoy!

Arugula Salad with Olive Oil, Lemon, and Parmesan Cheese

This light and nutritious salad is beautiful in its simplicity. All you need are 5 ingredients!


2 bunches Organic Arugula

¼ cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

½ Organic Lemon, juiced

Salt and Pepper

Parmesan Cheese

In a serving bowl, drizzle the Organic Arugula with the oil, squeeze in the Organic Lemon juice, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Toss until well mixed. Add Parmesan Cheese over the top to taste.

Basil Pesto

An allergy-friendly Basil Pesto without nuts! Add it to pasta, spread it on toast, or add a few spoonfuls to a breakfast omelette.

organic italian basil


3 cups Organic Italian Basil

3 cloves Garlic

½ cup Parmesan Cheese

½ cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil

½ Organic Lemon, juiced

Salt and Pepper

In a blender or food processor, mix the Organic Italian Basil, Garlic, and Cheese. Slowly add in the oil while the machine is still running, and blend until smooth. Squeeze in lemon juice and add salt and pepper to taste.

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