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Bali Life, Blog, Recipes

Shake Up Your Morning

Editorial Team | March 9, 2018 | 0 comment |

shake up your morning

Shake Up Your Morning!

Breakfast is often described by doctors and nutritionists (and mothers) as the most important meal of the day, and there’s no better way to shake up your morning and get you ready for the day than with a healthy breakfast. Your body has just taken a several hour break from eating, and it needs energy for the activities that lie ahead. But in many parts of the world, breakfast is treated as a chore, maybe even a nuisance. People eat it in the car on their way to work, quickly scarf it down on their way out of the house, or maybe even skip it altogether. What these folks gain in efficiency, however, may be offset by what they’re losing in nutrition and in the mental and physical benefits of sitting down each morning for a hearty breakfast.

When you wake up, the blood sugar your body needs to put your muscles and brain at their best is usually low. Breakfast helps replenish it. What’s more, sitting down and eating breakfast with your family and friends gives you a grounded and fulfilling start to the day that will set you on the right track for the hours ahead. But this leads to the question… what should I eat?

Here are three ideas for nutritious and delicious breakfasts that will make your body happy without breaking the bank!

The Classic – Yoghurt and Granola

Want something healthy, yummy, and easy to make? Pop open a jar of Milk Up’s Dairy Free Coconut Yoghurt, pour it in a bowl, and top it with your favorite granola. We love East Bali Cashews’ Chocolate and Vanilla Granola, which makes for a great pair with the coconut yoghurt. And if you want to take it up a notch, add some fresh Raspberries and Strawberries.

yoghurt bowk

The Extravagant – Tropical Smoothie Bowl

Whip out your blender and prepare the smoothie bowl of your dreams. Mix together fresh Dragonfruit and Bananas from our store, and top it with Cocoa Nibs, Chia SeedsShredded Coconut, and Tropical Fruit and Nuts Toasted Muesli. If you’re looking for a different base, try our Frozen Mixed Berries instead!


The Protein Booster – Egg & Cheese Sandwich

Using some of our very best sellers and personal favorites, you can make a breakfast sandwich of your dreams. Gluten-Free Multi-grain Bread from Made’s Bakery is the perfect base for any sandwich. Slather your bread with some Milk Up Herb Butter, top it with a few fried Free Range Village Eggs, and add a scoop or three of Milk Up’s Cottage Cheese. For some extra greens, add fresh Arugula.


Stay healthy, stay happy, and give these breakfasts a try!

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