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Healthy Red Rice Flour Paratha Recipe

Editorial Team | December 22, 2022 | 0 comment |

healthy red rice flour paratha

Rich with antioxidants and magnesium and a healthy alternative to white rice flour.


  1. 1 cup Red rice flour
  2. 3/4 wheat flour
  3. 2tsps coriander, red chili, cumin powder
  4. any chopped leaves
  5. salt to taste
  6. water as needed
  7. Mix flour, ghee or butter (if needed)
  8. Ajwain and water to make a soft pliable dough (not sticky)



  1. Mix the ingredients and divide the prepared dough into small equal size balls.
  2. Take one portion/ball and roll it with a rolling pin. Make a small roti.
  3. Heat a Tawa/frying pan and drizzle a few drops of oil.
  4. Place the paratha gently on the tawa and roast it from both sides by greasing it with oil. Serve immediately.

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