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Artisanal Life, Blog, Health

The Global Celery Juice Movement

Editorial Team | September 7, 2022 | 0 comment |

pure celery juice

Global Celery Juice Movement? Well, that is what the founder, Anthony William calls it, and there has been no shortage of celebrity celery juice fans, nor people who come back to us saying that they are celery converts. People from all over are trying celery juice for themselves and noticing positive changes in their health and amazing healings of both acute and chronic illnesses and symptoms.

“Drinking celery juice is the simplest of measures, so simple that people often write it off as too easy to make a difference in how they feel. They figure that adding several other ingredients to their green juice will add that many more nutrients. While green juice blends can be very healing, there is nothing that equals the simple power of pure celery juice. It is as healing, transformational, and life-changing as it gets—and that’s due to its complex nutritional makeup, which needs to be left undisturbed to work its magic.” Anthony William, Medical Medium

The premise? drinking 16 ounces of straight celery juice on an empty stomach every morning. Why? Because celery juice, when consumed in the right way, is a powerful and miraculous healing remedy.

The benefits include clearer skin, improved digestion, less bloating, sustained energy, better mental clarity, weight loss, and stable moods, just to name a few. People are also healing from all kinds of acute and chronic illnesses, including thyroiditis, skin allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, blood regulation issues, and much more.

The Thyroid Healing, Liver Flush, and Heavy Metal Detox series are designed to complement pure Celery Juice. These mixtures have also been conceived by Anthony William to address specific and often occurring conditions and improve overall health.

For us at Bali Direct Store? We like it, but over to you on whether or not you feel better. We just love that there is a movement around Celery! Keeps the farmers happy too!



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